The Smile

Maybe you know that feeling. You’re half asleep still and there’s a memory hovering at the back of your mind. And then suddenly it emerges in full colour and it’s as if you’re living it again. You can’t help it, you smile.

It was like that for him that morning. Drifting into wakefulness he remembered the night before. The soft arms wrapped around his neck, the wetness of the kiss on his cheek. The way she had smelled. Her voice telling him she loved him. And there it was, the smile.  

He hadn’t got around to opening his eyes when he heard his wife’s voice. “Hi there sleepy head, good morning. You were late to bed last night. Are you okay? What are you smiling about?”

“Hi there yourself gorgeous. How are you today?” he ruffled her hair and drew her close to him. As she snuggled her head on his shoulder, he kissed her. He felt very pleased with himself. He smiled, content, all was well in his world.  

She wondered what he’d been smiling at. Raising her head she could see he was still smiling.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Nothing, I just wondered why you were smiling.”

“Why wouldn’t I smile when I’m waking up next to you” he answered, pulling her back down into his embrace.

She didn’t worry that he hadn’t answered her question. She knew that he liked to keep some of his thoughts and feelings to himself. He worked hard, often long hours building his business and he’d said many times that he didn’t want to worry her with trivia or things she could do nothing about.

Sometimes she wished he would share more with her. Sometimes she felt like he shut her out, held something of his feelings back from her. She knew his parents had never been particularly demonstrative or affectionate so tried not to worry about it.  

But this morning she really wanted to know what had made him smile. She knew from the little he did say that the business was steadily growing, but it still needed him to be very hands on.

“Come on, tell me. What were you smiling about when you woke up?”

“I don’t know, I can’t remember now. Forget it.” Untangling himself from her he levered himself up and out of the bed. “I’ve got an important meeting today, I may have to take a client out to dinner, but I’ll try not to be too late home.” He kissed her again before heading off to the bathroom to shower and dress.

She lay there a little longer before she too got up, getting ready for the day. “He did seem very happy this morning” she mused “I’ve not seen him smiling so much for a while.” She shrugged her shoulders and left the bedroom.

Perhaps you’ve had that feeling too. There’s something going on, something a little different to usual. But you can’t quite put your finger on it.  

The smile lingered all day. Each time he re-lived the memory of the night before he felt his heart swell in his chest. He couldn’t wait for the evening to come.

His meeting and client dinner had gone well, he’d got the deal he wanted. It was very late when he got home. His wife had gone to bed.

He crept up the stairs, his smile wide with anticipation. And there it was again. The soft arms wrapped around his neck, the wet kiss on his cheek. That distinct fragrance of her.  

“I love you Daddy” she whispered sleepily as he tucked her back into bed.

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