Acupuncture Points for Infertility

Acupuncture Points for Infertility
An invaluable aide memoire for any acupuncturist treating infertility. This book gives comprehensive point prescriptions for:
Each phase of the menstrual cycle
Treating through an IVF cycle
The best protocols for pre and post embryo transfer
Treating OHSS
Points to use in late pregnancy
Labour induction
Treating male infertility/sub-fertility
Points to boost the immune system

Detailed point descriptions
Over 100 acupuncture points are described, together with their location, needle depth and recommended moxa. Clickable links within the point prescriptions make it easy to check if the point you are selecting will be the most appropriate for your patients needs. Based on over a decade of clinical practice and training in treating infertility, this book is a must have for the busy practitioner.

A note from the author:
I’m an acupuncturist with 20 years experience of treating couples with fertility problems. This book started life as a small note book which I kept in the clinic and as my knowledge has grown, so did the book. I’ve attended many training courses on fertility and I’ve tried to bring together all that I’ve learned about the use of specific points into this book. I was also a teacher at the College of Traditional Acupuncture and author of the original Spirits and Functions book, which became a college textbook. This book is also available as a Kindle book, which means it can be sold at a ridiculously affordable price! I really enjoy treating my fertility patients, it gives me great joy when they come in and announce that they are pregnant. I usually work with them through the pregnancy and it has been known for me to get a text at midnight at the airport announcing the safe arrival of a baby! I do hope you will find this book as useful in your practice as I do in mine.
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